Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences

FF&P’s collaboration with Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences began as an extended conversation about the role of science education in secondary school. Through open brainstorming sessions with students, alumni, faculty, staff, and leadership, together we envisioned the school’s new science building as an interactive tool that would reinvent the way science is taught.

In and around the new facility, landscaping doubles as a laboratory. Rooftop garden habitats have become rest stops for migrating monarch butterflies, offering safe harbor for the species right in the middle of the city. The building’s new front plaza is planted with native flora such as purple coneflower and English lavender, a lesson in local botany.
Well-known for its arts program, Crossroads embraced our suggestion to include instructional art in the new science building. Ceramic tiles outside the bathrooms illustrate the human body’s molecular structure. We also worked with artist Ned Kahn to incorporate an original rooftop sculpture—a hyperbolic paraboloid onto which hinged aluminum panels are suspended. These create beautiful patterns and shadows that are a direct reflection of the blowing wind.